By day, I am a Senior Project Coordinator at the EASEL Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where my research focuses on field-wide thinking about the organization, prioritization, and validation of social and emotional skills.
By night, when I’m not chasing a 7-year-old around, I am a self-learner in all things data, science, and history. Or you might find me reading a battered copy of a science fiction book from the ’60s or ’70s.
Download my resumé.
Ed.M. in Mind, Brain, and Education, 2015
Harvard Graduate School of Education
B.A. in History, Classics, 2007
University of Notre Dame
This site was created using R Markdown and Hugo with the blogdown package.
If you would like more information about setting up a site in this way, I found the walkthroughs on Alison Hill’s blog ( to be immensely helpful.